Thursday, April 24

This one is for Wendy Lynn...

Ok Wendy Lynn, you twisted my arm enough for me to take the time to blog...

Let's see this month was mine and Erika's birthday month...We celebrated together, which was really nice...She turned 26 and I am 29 for the 20th year in a is what I always tell my grandchildren...

I just got back from a trip to see Erika this past week and I enjoyed that...Kailee and Maddie are so cute and sweet, although they both can have their moments...Kailee was especially affectionate and huggy this visit...I took it as a special blessing to know she loves me that much...We ALL need to be held by someone we love...Starts singing in my head***Reach out and touch somebody's hand, make this world a better place, if you can" crack myself up sometimes...Erika bought me my favorite undies for Mother's Day since they are expensive, they took me to breakfast and bought my lunch too...

I was able to be involved in helping Cinda get Sis. Dupre's room complete and it really turned out nice...Thanks to all that participated in this endeavor, I know the family very much appreciated it...One of my friends from high school (you know back in the stone age) came on Sunday with his brother and laid the carpet(free of charge)...He went above and beyond the call of duty (lots of heavy, heavy lifting/moving) and I pray God blesses him real good with eternal blessings, for those are the only ones that count in the long run...

One of the craziest senior moments I had...still cracks me up, even though it's terrible...Erika, Lance and Kailee went to the area Krogers to get 2 liter coke products on sale for .69 late one night, (the sale ended at midnight)...Maddie had already gone to bed and I stayed home with her...I asked Erika would she wake up and she said no, so I didn't think anymore about it...They were gone maybe 45 minutes...But in that 45 minutes, I finished watching a movie that ended at 10:30 and then got ready for bed...I had shut the door to my bedroom on the opposite end of the house from Maddie, turned my box fan on and crashed out for about 10 mins, when the door opened and Erika said "I know you didn't leave my baby in there by herself"...I said "You said she wouldn't wake up" and she did say that, but I had totally forgot to even go check on her...Can we say OH MY GOODNESS!!! If she had of woke up, I probably wouldn't be able to hear her until it was loud...Although I did hear them come back from Kroger...Isn't that terrible???...I forgot one of my grandchildren...It's like when Erika said she wouldn't wake up, she just left my mind...Now you see why God didn't intend for old women to have children unless it's an answer to a promise from God and I ain't no!!!! For those of you who aren't familiar with bible stories, Sarah had a child when she was 90, because God had promised Abraham a son...

I have been working on several upcoming church projects and need any prayers I can get...Some of them come more freely and easier than others, but I still need God's direction in it all...

Sad note***I really can't put into words how very sorry I am about the passing of Bro. Clarkson...He was a behind the scenes kinda guy, the kind that ministers without others knowing about it...The best kind in IMHO...The prayer chain that he operated was such a miraculous tool used to minister to people all over The Church of God and the rest of God's kingdom...I don't know what Sis Clarkson is going to do about it, but I do hope she will be able to find someone as dedicated to it as Bro Clarkson, if she can't do it herself...Erika attended Bible Training Institute with Bro/Sis Clarkson and he especially adopted her...Over the last 5 years he has been a prayer warrior for my family and he isn't replaceable...I really appreciated the comfort in knowing in any situation I could email the prayer chain and all over this world Christians every where would pray...Every I time I received a prayer request via my email account, I would pray for whoever or whatever the need was...We need that in our lives...When people whose hearts are cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus call on his name in unity, God does hear and answer...Bro Clarkson's passing is a great loss to his family, to his friends, to The Church of God...My heart is just broken...Go rest high on that mountain Bro Clarkson...Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that has been changed!!! I pray God gives us more ministers like him!!!

Okay I could go on and on I reckon, but that is enough for now!!!


Erika J. said...

i'm not finding the humor forgetting madelynn. :0p

~Chunky Butt~ said...

Glad to hear from
Oh my, my moma done that a time or two with her be a grandma
I'll continue to pray for you!!