Monday, August 18

Help I've fallen and can't get up!

I don't know what it is about Erika's house that makes me lose my
1st of all they have a spider problem...Saturday a spider crawled right by where Maddie was sitting on the floor...I killed the spider.
When I am here I take Kailee's daybed mattress and put it on the floor so I can stretch out...I was sitting on the mattress plucking hair, when I saw something moving on the floor, which without contacts I couldn't tell what...So I got up quickly to get my glasses and turned around and it was a huge spider and it was running across both my mattress and the box spring that are side by side...The spider was almost off the edge of the box spring that is closest to the wall....It would have been gone and I wouldn't have been able to find it or kill it....That would have kept me awake all night with fear of a huge spider crawling on me...Ewwwww! So I sorta leaped with my flip flop in hand to kill that sucker and it must have known it was in danger and by george it turned around and started towards me very quickly!!!!!!!! So all in a matter of a split second with adrenaline rushing I smashed that sucker as hard as I could and as I was trying to leap forward and jump back when the spider changed directions...I lost my balance and fell back onto my running box fan and hurt my knee and scraped my left arm on the inside from top to bottom on the grill of the fan...I bent the metal frame of the fan and the plastic grill too...Needless to say the fan isn't square or level...It looks hilarious and yet it still works...I will probably have to lean it from here on out...I don't know if it can stand on it's own ever again...I wonder if the more you fall the more it shows your age or something...I am glad I haven't been hurt too bad and when the immediate shock is over, it CRACKS me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Caet said...

You need to be put in a home...
A special home... for people with bad conditions like you!
We will have to chain you to the bed to make sure you wont roll over and fall out onto the floor and kill yourself.
Or make sure you wont sit up and then the bed snap and fold up. Or you... ok I'll stop...

Vic said...

You should see my arm....Kailee said "did you broked it?'!!
Falling will kill me before a spider at this rate...

Thanks for caring if I am hurt or not...***sticks tongue out****

wemmies said...

No drywall damage this time? Did the house shift any? The doors all thanked the Lord in the house didn't they? LOL!!!

Erika J. said...

i was wondering what that big thud sound was.