Monday, September 15

Thinking out loud for a moment...

I haven't felt very good for several days...Since the Assembly I have done terrible when it comes to eating right and I am sure that is the main reason I don't feel too good...I have got to resume my healthy eating habits again...
A lot of people probably haven't even paid attention the financial market this weekend...Yesterday was black Sunday...Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy, the company is 158 years old and it's the largest bankruptcy in American history...How does that affect you and me? Well whether we understand all about the stock market, brokering and all the other financial terms, we can understand that our economy is in bad shape...Unemployment, gas prices, storm damages that insurance has to cover and makes all our rates higher and on and on!!! With all my heart I believe Jesus is coming sooner than any of us can realize...What is going to happen till then doesn't look good for this world...Sis Connie preached about God's vortex and boy is the events of the past week proving more and more an ever spiralling out of control world...Yes, God is in control, but we have to face realty too...There were Christians in the great depression era also, but they were poor right along with the rest...My Nanny lived in a tent close to the river during these times...There was no welfare then...I know God is in control and that he will see us through whatever crisis is ahead, but to be blinded by an unrealistic view that we aren't going to be touched by any of it, is not very wise in my perspective...We can't say positive phrases enough to make realty go away...If that were possible my life would be totally different right now...That doesn't change the fact that all our hope must be placed in God and we must be living as close to him as we can get...I am afraid we are going to see some things before too much longer that we have never seen before...My part is to trust and hold on to God's unchanging hand...It had to take great faith to wait by a brook for a raven (a nasty bird mind you) to bring your food...then the brook dries up and your sent to a widow woman (the poorest of poor) to receive her last meal before her and her son starved, only to have God make the supplies last...The miracle working God who can bring water from a rock, manna daily, and even quail if needed...Just when we think it's a hopeless situation God is ever mindful of his own and yet we must be willing to trust when there isn't any help in sight...My heart longs for heaven and to be united with all the loved ones gone by and be with the ones here that I am separated from on a regular basis...That will be a homecoming of all homecomings won't it???
Keep the faith and the faith will keep you...In the midst of all doubt, trust God to see you through...I believe, Oh God help thou my unbelief is still a bible verse...God knows we need that extra boost on occasion...I pray that God keeps you wholly his till we all hear him say well done...It easy to stand when things are all going the best way possible, it takes a giant leap of faith when it's all fallen apart to stand...God isn't all together moved by our emotions, but God is moved by our righteousness, which only he can allow us to have by the sacrifice of his son Jesus...Our righteousness, the very best we can do, is still filthy rags before him...Every day I decide if I want to keep fighting this fight of faith, but there is no where else to go, Jesus has the words of eternal life and we aren't going to escape the fiery trials....We choose our fires, it's will be the fires of refining or the fires of hell...I would much rather go through a fire that God controls the outcome like Shadrach, Meshach and Abindigo, then to choose to go head long into the flames of an eternal fire that there is no escape....


Katie said...

Hi Vister Sicky, I love you and am praying for you a ticket soon....Kasey usually flys Delta, I believe, not sure when her next visit east will be...I usually go to travelocity and look for tickets when I would come your any rate, the way this world is shaping up, maybe to heaven we will fly, wahoooooooooo, PTL, then there would be no fear of flying sis....i love you, your kister sadie.

Netty said...

You wrote all that and WOULDN"T answer my 20 calls today???? :0P

Vic said...

Net I only got 2 was right in the middle of a 3 hour movie tonight...Sorry...