Saturday, December 26

God has given me peace...

There are situations in all of our lives that bring sorrow. Decisions we wished we could have done better. My consolation in it all is that God knows the black and white truth of EVERY situation. God has given me PEACE and I praise him for it. In God's word there are circumstances that were insurmountable according to human capacity, but NOTHING is impossible with God. And he always triumphs over the enemy and those that are used of the enemy. I have confidence that he will ALWAYS have the final say. My heart is to be where I am supposed to be, doing what I am responsible for when he does have the final say. Let me always be on your grace and mercy side and not your wrath side! He is a mighty, mighty God. He is a loving Father to those that walk in his precepts, but he is a consuming fire to those that don't. The new testament states that if we fall on the stone, rather than the stone falling on us, we have hope. If we humble before God he is gracious to be our foundation through it all, but if we refuse to submit, then he will grind us to powder. The bible says evil men would wax worse, deceived and being deceived. I pray that my eyes are always open to his ways, his guidelines, so I can find the way home to be with my heavenly Father and the precious souls that have died in Jesus. I see loved ones over yonder, tears are gone and hearts are free. And from the throne my Savior beckons, the hills of home, are calling me. This house of flesh is but a prison, bars of bones, hold my soul, but the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open, when the hills of home, start calling me. This world is not my home, I'm only passing by, my treasures and my hopes are all up in the sky. Friends and loved ones wait, who have walked this way before, but I can't feel at home in this world any more. I getting ready today, moving out tomorrow, gonna say goodbye to earthly sorrows, I am looking for a mansion fair, I see the lights, I'm almost there!

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