Saturday, December 4

The God of the mountain is still God in the valley...

What vulnerable creatures we are. How frail at times we seem to ourselves, to others. Then there are times when we feel like we could conquer the world with our pinkie finger. I am very thankful that God is still God while I ride the roller coaster of life. He is my one constant in all of life's ups and downs. Lately I have felt such a peace, such an assurance that God is in control, and I will not fret what man says or does where I am concerned. Sometimes it's so laughable to me that any man or woman would even consider that they had their own life totally in control. Yes, I make decisions every day, that is my part, to make the right choices each day. God did give that control to me. But ALL the rest is truly 100 percent up to him. How arrogant and haughty we humans can be in our own sense of righteousness! I know that without God's wonderful grace and mercy, and his word, I wouldn't have a clue what to do. So again, my stability in all the chaos of this life, I find such strength and refuge in God's ability to get me through this experience of life 'SAVED"! He is such a great, big, wonderful God. He knows my thoughts afar off, meaning before I even think them. Wow! He knows my down sitting, my uprising, he sees all the hungers, desires, wants, needs of this child of his. Wow! And the most wonderful part he cares. He is never busy, stressed, and distraught about my crazy mixed up world. He knows there are so many things I just plain don't understand. How can anyone say they love God and be cruel to others is something I will never understand and quite frankly don't want too. I have been accused of so many false accusations from my own flesh and blood. It leaves you scratching your head sometimes. Why can't people just talk it out, so that you can try to understand the others perspective? We all have things about us God helps us work on. If you say you have no weak tendencies or issues to work on, I am afraid my friend, you are deceived. The key is being willing to face yourself and ask God to help you make a conscious, concerted effort to change. Without God I can do NOTHING. I depend on him to change me, mold me, make me after his will. So many times we don't want to face that being like Jesus requires suffering. We soon forget the joys and benefits that come straight from the portals of heaven when we are bombarded on every side. Yet we will never know what we are made of without the trying of our faith. Most of the heartbreaking situations in my life are totally and completely out of my control to change. Why? Because God is the only one who can change hearts who are willing. I can't. I love my family, I love my children, I love my grandchildren and that won't ever change. The path of my life I walk each day is steadily being led to my eternal destination. I willingly place ALL of it in his hands. I place my heart completely in the hands of the God of all power both in heaven and in earth. I know he never fails. He is my God when I am on the mountains of this life and he is my God when I am in the deepest valley and see no way out. I praise him with all my heart and soul. Have your way Lord, get all the glory you can, just let me make it all the way to the end with clean hands and a pure heart.
I especially thank the Lord for being able to share Christmas from my heart and my pocketbook this year. It's really been fun to be able to buy this year. God knows those that I want to give to but have been hindered. He keeps good records. He see motives and intentions and I am truly happy to know that my God gets the final say. And whatever happens in my future, making heaven will be worth all the sorrow that here befalls!
Oh come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
Oh come ye, oh come ye to Bethlehem
Come and behold him, born the King of angels
Oh come let us adore him
Oh come let us adore him
Oh come let us adore him
Christ, the Lord
My hope and prayer is that all your heart's desire is fulfilled in knowing he is still the light of the world and the king of kings. Come let us adore him!

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