Friday, December 31


It's the 365th day of the year. I hope and pray that the God of all creation will bring forth miracles on top of miracles for us all this year.

Crazy how your mind works. I had a dream about a guy that I loved when I was 13, 14, 15 years old. Isn't that nuts? It happens ever so often that I will dream about past experiences and bring a new twist in the plot of the subconscious. Weird isn't it?

Continuing on my randomness streak here. This morning getting ready I had to tuck in the tag on the back of my blouse and all these random memories came flooding. It's so strange the simplistic acts that can trigger a memory. Eva Jackson used to tease me about my short arms and I have to agree with her. I have a difficult time with tasks with these short arms. An additional memory triggered was Charlie always helped me with tags, zippers, clasps, etc...So that triggered the thought of what minuscule seconds in your daily routine can flood your heart and mind, suddenly taking you way back in time. In an instant such a simple maneuver of tucking a tag brought 2 people, 2 situations to mind. I know that I am not the only one this happens too, but thought I would put the experience to print.

I returned back to my routine from Christmas with such a burden for people I love. Burdened for those that have strayed so far and don't even know it. Burdened for the loss of time that can never be redeemed, it's finished. But in the words of Brother Jerry, it may be finished, but it's not over. Of course he was speaking regarding Jesus being on the cross and saying "it is finished" and yet it wasn't over. I have needs, hopes, dreams, desires just like every one else and the older you get, the more honed your skills are at the proper perspective on life. Time is short, life isn't always fair, and you just have to place your life, your heart, your soul, your needs, your hopes, your desires at the feet of Jesus and say "here I am Lord, your will be done"! I can't control any of the situations that cause me the most heartache. I teeter and totter back and forth on whether to say something or just pray and let it go. If your loved ones were in a burning house you wouldn't question whether to save them or not, you would go straight into action. Yet I know I have done my part in teaching by example the priorities of having Jesus as number 1 in your life. He will have no other place. The world is pressing in ever so subtle, daily, pressing, pressing it's way into the lives of those we hold dear. God please have mercy and open the eyes of those I pray for and love dearly! PLEASE move in me, for me, and for the ones I love. Move us by whatever means are necessary to create a surrendered heart to you. Move us closer to you and that will automatically move us closer to each other. My heart longs for resolutions in so many areas. I pray I will do my part to be where God would have me to be for his perfect timing in all things. I pray I never contribute in any way, shape, form, or fashion to holding the hand of God back by disobedience. Clean hands and a pure heart, broken, humbled before him will get his attention. Keep me close to thee for the rest of my life here on this earth and let me stand in the gap for those you gave me to love!

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